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220Na-Indion original strong acid cation exchange Resin

1. Introduction

Indion 220Na cation exchange resin root is strong acid, colloidal particulates, which are produced from the process of high-molecular compounds chemical sunfon coincidence from polystyrene.

Indion cation 220Na resin

Indion cation 220Na resin

Indion 220Na have size particles evenly, porosity ensures high cation exchange capacity. With the physical-chemical characteristics and optimal thermal durability, Indion 220Na be used to soften water, reduction of pollutants or ammonium.

As the exchange of saturation can regenerate by solution of NaCl, HCl or H2SO4 (depending on the purpose of use to soften or eliminate minerals) in the same or reverse the water flow.

Indion 220Na is Ion Exchange Group's products, manufactured in India from 1964 and was exported to the United States, Britain, Japan, Russia, Thailand, the Philippines, Maylaysia, …

The durability of use: at least 3 years if done in accordance with the manufacturer's process.

Indion 220Na are applications in the UV water treatment system.

2. Technical characteristics

Group function -SO3-Na +
The total amount of swapEQ/l1.8
Particle sizemm0.3-1, 2 mm
An account level (Na-> H)%6
Shipping weightkg/m3741
Equivalent to Purolite: C100, Dowex HCR-S, Amberlite IR120, Lewatit S100  

3. Recommended use

Maximum working temperature: 140oC

PH range: 0-14

The minimum thickness of the layer of material: 750-1,500 mm

Maximum filtration speed: 60 m/hour

Reverse washing speed: 9 m/hour

Reverse wash time: 5 minutes

Regeneration speed: 3-18 m 3/hour

Non-renewable chemicals time: 20-30 minutes

The concentration of aqueous regenerated: H2SO4 = 1-8% or HCl = 4-8% or NaCl = 10-15%

Wash water: 3-6 times the volume of plastic beads

4. Feed water quality requirements on the cation filter column

Opacity < 2 NTU

Total iron < 0.5 mg/L (in the form of iron, Fe2 +)

Residual Chlorine concentrations = 0 mg/L

Organic < 2 mg/L

An-free pure water filter systems